





Work Permit and LMIA

Every year, there are over 90,000 foreign workers who enter Canada to work temporarily. Working in Canada, you need a work permit for most temporary jobs.


What do you need to apply for a work permit


- an employment letter from a qualified Canadian employer.

- a labour market impact assessment (LMIA) from Human Resources and Social Development Canada (HRSDC).


- meet the general requirements for entering the country and for staying here.

-may need a temporarily visa.

- a work permit is not an immigration document. It does not allow you to live in Canada permanently.

- your accompanying family members may also be able to work here if you have obtained your own work permit.


What is LMIA confirmation


The confirmation is a letter from HRSDC stating the job you are going to do will not have a negative impact on the labour market in Canada, which is usually given for a specific period of time.


Are there any conditions on my work permit


Yes, the conditions many include the work type, the employer, your work place, and the duration you can work.


Who are my family members


Family members mean your immediate members, who are your spouse, common-law partner and dependent children.


Can I or my employer appeal if my application refused


No, you can not according to the Canadian Immigration law. Instead, applicants can reapply and, whenever possible, a different visa officer will examine the application.



If you would like to work in Canada temporarily, please don't hesitate to contact us.



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